Manging References

Properly managing references is a critical habit and these are some of the useful software tool that I use to manage my references.

Using Sphinx BibTex extension

  • To install

Do this:

 pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex

 In ```` add:

   extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.bibtex']

* MAKE SURE * that it is *added* to the rest of extensions!! Not just at the top, it will be removed!!!Ahh

Like this:


  extensions = [

Also, you can avoid these errors on

python /home/docs/checkouts/ install --exists-action=w --cache-dir /home/docs/checkouts/ -rpip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex
Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex'
You are using pip version 8.1.2, however version 9.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Command time: 0s Return: 1

By typing:


Into the Advanced Settings Page and making a requirements.txt file with:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex

More on this is here <>

Example: To cite:

according to :cite:`someone` yada yada..

Then, at the end of the document include:

.. bibliography:: references.bib


BibTex files can be managed with a free software called JabRef


I still use this tool, but it costs money and I do not have it on Ubuntu.