Weekly Meetings ResponsibilitiesΒΆ

I also would like everyone to track their basic progress on a weekly basis. I know that this may sound like a lot, but it is just easier for me to remember who is doing what etc.

For a reference, I have provided an example of my personal weekly meetings here: http://baja.readthedocs.io/en/latest/TODO.html#weekly-meeting-1-6-2017

I have already done all of the tedious html setup and making a page like this is very simple, it looks like this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huckl3b3rry87/baja/master/docs/source/TODO.rst

To a degree, they are just notes what did I do this last week? What am I planning on doing for next week? etc.

This week, I would like you all to make your own TODO pages and become familiar with git. I have provided you with my personal “quick-start” guide for doing this here.

You, will find the links git and creating documentation very useful for this task. Also, if you don’t already have a text editor, I recommend checking out Atom.

At the top of this page there is also a Gantt chart ( another example of my personal stuff) it is very easy to modify this for your project by changing this code: https://github.com/huckl3b3rry87/baja/blob/master/docs/source/_static/gantt.html

I think that whoever is the team lead may find this as a useful tool to set goals and monitor progress.

This may sound overwhelming, but I have made it as easy as I can for you and I am fairly confident that if you don’t already use these tools you will find them useful in the future. Additionally, I will be happy to sit down with all of you to get this stuff setup on your machines (if you have trouble following the above guides).

Please let me know if there any questions.
